This is the Royal Welsh Show's bilingual guide app. A description of its features are detailed below. Dyma ap tywys dwyieithog Sioe Frenhinol Cymru. Mae disgrifiad o’r holl nodweddion wedi eu nodi isod. This app is optimised for mobile devices. Mae'r ap wedi ei optymeddio ar gyfer ffônau symudol. Within the app you will be able to: View lists of daily events, filtered by category. Interact with a detailed map of the showground. Track your location on the interactive map. Create your own timetable by selecting favourite events. Check the weather forecast on the showground. View news items, images and videos from the showground. View information about the show. Ofewn yr ap fyddwch yn medru: Gweld rhestr ddyddiol o ddigwyddiadau, wedi hidlo drwy categori. Rhyngweithio gyda map manwyl o faes y sioe. Dilyn eich lleoliad ar y map rhyngweithiol. Creu amserlen eich hyn, wrth nodi hoff ddigwyddiadau. Gweld rhagolygon tywydd ar faes y sioe. Gweld newyddion, lluniau a fidio o faes y sioe. Gweld gwybodaeth yng nglun a'r sioe.